Keeping Up in a Down Economy: What the Best Companies do to Get Results in Tough Times

Keeping Up in a Down Economy
Keeping Up in a Down Economy
Item# keupindoec1
Regular price: $14.95
Sale price: $7.48

Product Description

Note: All orders of Keeping Up in a Down Economy will receive a complimentary copy of Dr. Bob's latest book: 1,001 Ways to Engage Employees with their order.

We are in challenging economic times. If you want to thrive—or even just to survive—company owners, executives, and managers must take actions to better align the business around its people.

To do this, it is first necessary to understand that most employees today feel apprehensive, overworked, and underappreciated. During tough and challenging times when we are asking them to do even more with less, they report feeling even more stressed and fearful than ever before. But, there is hope. By focusing on the right things in this negative and challenging time, any company can make a dramatic and marked difference in improving its ability to compete more effectively. And, to keep employees from becoming overloaded and myopic, management needs to especially be proactive and positive in difficult times.

In this book, Dr. Bob Nelson, best-selling author of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, discusses his recent research, experience and insights as to how managers and organizations can make a practical difference during tight and recessionary times—even with little time, resources or budget. This book uses hundreds of current and practical examples of what today’s managers and business owners are doing to keep employees focused and positive in ways that can help their organization to emerge stronger from difficult economic times. Softback, 144 pages.

Retail price = $15.95

10 to 24 copies = 25% discount ($11.21 ea.)

25 to 499 copies = 40% discount ($8.97 ea.)

500 to 999 copies = 50% discount ($7.48 ea.)

1000+ copies = 55% discount ($6.73 ea.)


Regular price: $11.21
Sale price: $7.48
Regular price: $8.97
Sale price: $7.48